Friday, September 23, 2011

Random Timber Yard worker by the name of Marisa Keller

Grade: 11
What is your job title? "Cashier"
Do you enjoy your job? "Yeah, I guess, gives me money, and it's not that hard."
Does your job require a lot of heavy lifting? "Not really, if a person has a board, the bagger caries the boards out to their car.  All I do is scan it with the price gun."
How long have you been working there? "About a month.  My uncles friend owns it and when I was talking to my uncle about needing a job, he sent me over to The Timber Yard"
Have you ever had any other jobs besides this?  "I worked at the golf course over the summer, but I got hit with a lot of balls so I quit."
Do you have long commute to The Timber Yard? " No, it's about seven miles to my house."
Well, thanks for your time. do you have any closing statements. "Come buy some wood...  I don't know."

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